====== BGP-LS ======
BGP can only listen on port 179 on ONOS. It can't be changed at the time of writing.
===== Installation =====
feature:install onos-providers-bgp
feature:install onos-apps-pcep-api
app activate org.onosproject.pcep-api
app activate org.onosproject.bgp
===== Check configuration =====
curl -u "onos:rocks" -X GET | python -m json.tool
===== Configure ONOS for BGP =====
"org.onosproject.provider.bgp.cfg": {
"bgpapp": {
"routerId": "",
"localAs": 64513,
"maxSession": 20,
"lsCapability": true,
"holdTime": 180,
"largeAsCapability": true,
"flowSpecCapability": "IPV4",
"bgpPeer":[ {"peerIp": "", "remoteAs": 64514, "connectMode":"active"}]
* **routerId** Local IP address.
* **localAs** Local AS number
* **maxSession** Max number of session BGP ONOS can maintain.
* **lsCapability** BGP-LS capability
* **holdTime** Hold Time
* **largeAsCapability** 4-octet AS capability, true to talk with OpenDayLight which has the capability
* **flowSpecCapability** flowspec capability
* **bgpPeer** Remote BGP peer information
* **peerIp** Remote BGP peer IP
* **remoteAs** Remote BGP AS number
* **connectMode** Session initiation, active or passive. In case of passive mode BGP is in listen mode.
curl -u "onos:rocks" -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d @bgp-ls.json
===== Problems of config =====
* **Bad Peer AS**, You can't use iBGP for inter-AS communication
* **Unsupported Capability**, if BGP capabilities of peers don't match, this error pops up. Check [2]
===== Sources =====
* [1] [[ https://wiki.onosproject.org/display/ONOS/BGP+protocol+with+Link-State+Distribution ]]
* [2] [[ https://www.iana.org/assignments/capability-codes/capability-codes.xhtml ]]